Party favours can be a bit of an afterthought, and as a result, you either end up dragging something **meh** home from the local two-dollar shop, or you resort to chocolate. Now we’re not saying that there’s a problem with resorting to chocolate in times of need, but we definitely think that party favours need to say a little more than “here’s an extra 250 grams to add to your butt”. They need to say: “Thank you for making my party so awesome – here’s a little something to remind you of how much fun (and champagne) was had”.
With this in mind, we did a round-up of some great ideas for party favours (including some of our own) that could still be making your friends smile years later.
1. A purse filled with gold
We’re going out of the gates with a big one (sort of). Ok, so the purse is filled with gold coins made from chocolate, but as far as party favours go, it’s ticking all the boxes. There’s something sweet for now, and something that will last for later. With several designs newly added to the La La Land range of textiles, the only problem you’re going to have here is deciding which design to allocate to which friend.
2. A tiny potted succulent
Even if your friends have a handful of black thumbs, rather than green fingers, this is a great party favour. Succulents are forgiving when you forget to water them occasionally , and they’ll sit happily on a sunny windowsill and thrive for years. You can buy them potted from a local garden centre, or you can raid your Nan’s garden for some cuttings (they grow by piece quite easily). Put them in a receptacle that suits your party’s theme with a bit of sand-based potting mixture. Handy tip: Don’t water them the day before you intend to hand them out.
3. A pocket notebook
Pocket notebooks are a fab party favour because they can do double duty as both thank you note and gift. Simply write your message on the inside front cover (or on the first page if you want to write something cheeky that they can tear out later). If you want to go all out and you’re a ‘plan ahead’ type of human, you could even get a custom stamp made to mark the occasion and stamp it on the first page along with your hand-written greeting. Like the succulents, pocket notebooks are a party favour that can easily go unisex.
Pocketbook Music Royalty Pocketbook Blue Parrot
4. DIY infused olive oil
If your guests are a bunch of foodies, (or you want them to think you’re one) you can’t go wrong with a little bottle of infused olive oil as a party favour. This is another one you can do on a budget, and they’re super-cute when you pair them with a La La Land mini card as a label for the neck. You can infuse the olive oil by placing a sprig of a herb in the bottle. Woody herbs like Rosemary, Thyme and Oregano generally work best as they hold their structure in the bottle. For extra oomph or zing, pop a clove of peeled garlic or a chili in there with them. The bottles can be easily found at a homewares store or the infamous two dollar shop of your choice.
5. A tea towel
Something we all agree on is that doing the dishes is un-fun. Consider it your duty as party host to inject some joy into this otherwise thankless task with a kick-arse tea towel. La La Land’s range of tea towels feature extraordinary illustrations and are made from linen and cotton which makes them extra thirsty. To present them as a party favour, simply roll them up and secure them with a strip of heavy paper or cardboard. You can write your thank you message on the paper. Handy tip: The writing part is best done before you tape the paper on.
6. A scented candle
Now before you roll your eyes here, let’s make it clear – we’re not talking about those chintzy candles that smell like toilet freshener – we’re talking about something rather more up-market than that. There are lots of artisan candle-makers who sell their wares at local markets so make that your first stop. If you can’t find one, then get crafty and make your own. Quality candle-wax and wicks can be bought online or at crafty stores like Spotlight and Lincraft. After than it’s a trip to your local health food store for some essential oils. Be adventurous with your own blend or get Google’s help with the recipe. If your style is pared back, then pour into a simple glass. If you favour girly vintage, go to a few local op shops and buy odd teacups to pour the wax into. One of our mini cards can be tied to the handle of a teacup, or if you take the other route, you can print your own labels to glue onto the glasses.
7. A mug filled with lollies
Our next top-ten nomination is a party favour idea that involves your friends doing some of the work. Simply line up a few big glass bowls and some serving spoons and pour a packet of your favourites in each. A mixture of Minties, Fantales, Redskins, Milkos and Pineapples will take everyone back to their childhood days. Next to this, place a selection of our ‘made you smile’ china mugs and encourage people to fill a mug as they’re leaving.
8. A mini bottle of champers
Why wait until after the party to hand out your party favour? Choose a mini bottle of champagne with a colour scheme to match your theme and hand it out with a coordinated paper straw as your guests arrive. These can also be re-labelled to make great place holders if your party is a sit-down affair. Known as piccolos, these cute-as-pie bottles come in a range of price-levels. Check with your local wine merchant what they have in stock and what they can get via special order to help make your decision.
9. A reusable market bag
Whether you gift them empty or filled with goodies, our reusable market bags make a supremely thoughtful party favour. Instead of adding to the alarming levels of plastic waste that are generated by many a shopping expedition, these beauties give your friends the opportunity to help save the planet. Whether your friends are into beats, birds or bugs, our in-house illustrator Lilly Perrott has designed something for everyone.
Market Bag Music Royalty Market Bag Tropical Birds
10. A card for your party favour
As we all know well, no gift is complete without a card. But since party favours are small and cute as a general rule, you can’t really stick a regular-sized greeting card on them. This is where La La Land’s delightful range of mini cards comes in. With over 100 designs in stock, we’ve got a card that will suit itself perfectly to your party’s theme, and allow you to say thanks in style.
1. Yoda Best
Party favours on steroids
If you’re looking for something on a grander scale, browse our collection of gift packs, or get in touch with us at La La Land. We can curate you a gift pack that suits bridesmaids, groomsmen, and any manner of family member or friend. We’re always happy to help you find something unique that’s worthy of the occasion.